Hiring Revolution: Investigate Your Instincts

Our identities make us who we are. With our unique experiences come differing perspectives, preferences, and biases. This is nothing to ashamed of, but something to be aware of. Our gut impulses are often mirrors of our biases, so before we act, let’s investigate these instincts by pausing and reflecting on the situation at hand. Join Alfonso in learning strategies to investigate your instincts and assess not if, but how systemic and normative preferences seep into our perceptions. Scroll down to download the "Investigate Your Instincts" resource, filled with questions to ponder when making value-aligned and goal-aligned decisions during hiring processes. Take time to reflect on these questions, investigate your instincts and face your hidden biases in this episode of the series.


Hiring Revolution: Readiness & Value-Add


Hiring Revolution: A Business & Moral Imperative